Ref. Number:

Report Author / Producer: İdil Engindeniz Şahan Date: 2016-12-05 Languages: Turkish, English

Media Watch on Hate Speech May-August 2016

Within the scope of that Hrant Dink Foundation's Media Watch on Hate Speech Project between 2009-2019 in the four-month period covering May-June-July-August 2016, 1539 columns and news articles and 1626 hate speech items targeting national, ethnic and religious groups had been found.

In May-August 2016 period, issues like the Armenian Genocide bill passed by Bundestag (June 2); assaults to Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar; anniversary of Srebrenica massacre (July 11); tension in Al-Aqsa Mosque; debates around granting citizenship to Syrian refugees (July); coup attempt on July 15; bombing attack in Antep targeting an outdoor wedding celebration (August 20); and anniversary of August 30 Victory Day contributed to rise of hate speech.

When a distribution per targeted groups is made, it is seen that Armenians have the largest number of hate speech items against them with 450 items. Syrians follow them with 364 items and Jews has the third place with 308 items. Christians with 151 items,Germans with 120 items, Greeks with 110 items, Cypriot Greeks and/or Greeks of Turkey with 109 items, non-Muslims with 81 items and the British with 65 items follow them as the groups that are subjected to hate speech.

In the section where discourse targeting women and LGBTIs are analyzed, you can find qualitative analyses through a limited number of examples, which are selected with the purpose of exposing and questioning the patriarchal and heteronormative discourse which is rooted in journalism and used intentionally or unintentionally.

Please see the full report for accessing more detailed statistical data, full list of 1539 items containing hate speech and example articles and columns.


  • Inventory Type: Report
  • Report Open
  • Number of pages 128

Last update: 2021-02-08 17:31:07